Monday, December 28, 2009

update: Birthday 2009

I finally finished my course........well 2 weeks ago..
but I'm so lazy to log on here and write the blog.
So yeah, first update would be about my birthday this year.

I celebrated one day later with Tanya in Tauranga, who is borned same day but 11 years younger than me. Thanks to Max who brought us there.....and we had fish and chips by the beach ^^

I got bday presents from Marlene ^^ a handmade card!!

A present from my brother, Max - big bear~~~


  1. i's huge!!!!!
    i can even lie on it to read books, hahha!

  2. lol...your blog is a bit different from others blogs....
    cool and innocent too....
    have a great time...
    don't forget to click on the following link to check out ma blog about mtv - india and its damn cool tv show's...
    my blog
