Thursday, February 26, 2009

The little man I love

Went and pick my little man from school at lunch the other day.....and gosh! He can talk so much now!

When I first started work with him, he only used one word, and we have to work so hard to get 2 words out of his mouth with huge reinforcements. Nowadays, he can talk about his surroundings and his observations, and also, asking a lot of questions! I just thank God of how much He healed him. He also joined in a lot of story times and plays.

Nowadays, he can even go to school trips with Dexter (the golden poodle) in the family.....And gained a bit of responsibility like feeding the dog. And Dexter is a great dog too! He's the only dog that I can get aquaintant too..haha! No, it's just that he's a people dog..he likes it so much to be surrounded with people and play with the children so much.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Sem starting

My first practicum has officially finished!!!!!!
And new sem would start next week, with 4 papers and a mountain high of readings and assignments! When I started writing all the due dates in my calendar....I'm like oh crap! It's like they all due in May and June~~

anyways, i'll be good! i will pray harder for more wisdom to drop from heaven on me =P Also, I have planned my timetable out for the readings of the 4 papers...

ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! self-discipline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that means:
less facebook time *fingers crossed*
less msn *fingers crossed*

But I think, overall it's gonna be fun!!!!!

Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani

"Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachtani"
This sentence got me when I was meditating in the morning on Mark 15.
When I repeatedly read that short passage, I started to weep.
Jesus was so close to Holy Father, and yet at that time when He was on the cross
The Father in heaven turned away from Jesus because of His salvation plan

I don't know how would a father feel
when he has to see his beloved son to be nailed onto the cross
and he didn't do anything about it......

Monday, February 23, 2009

I miss God

These few days, I haven't really had a good time with God
although I tried hard to
but I always rush my time with Him
or either totally ignore Him...sigh

Have to really make up my time for Him.....=)


還沒結束呢, 就已經開始想念那邊的孩子們了
她才在上個禮拜會跟我笑, 會要我抱
然後一切都結束了= =

叫她睡覺的時候, 她還會模仿我生氣的動作


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I love you family and my friends~~~

Thursday, February 5, 2009


For the past weekend, I was in camp.....although I didn't experience God a lot in camp, because I was playing the piano for the whole session. 其實﹐在彈的時候﹐我希望我是在下面被神充滿的﹐但是事實不能改變﹐就一直邊彈邊禱告。看到很多弟兄姐妹被聖靈恩膏的時候﹐心裡真的是滿滿的感恩神願意用我這個器皿來服事祂。到了最後一天感恩見證分享的時候﹐滿想上去講的﹐可是實在是什麼都沒感覺到﹐除了一個“累”字﹐也沒其它了。

回到家以後﹐馬上把作業趕完交了﹐然後就睡著了~~~第二天早上開始實習﹐無意中發現帶我的也是個基督徒﹐好象那間幼稚園也是(不過﹐我沒問清楚)~~Anyways, 實習完後回家﹐看到桌子上有一封信﹐打開一看﹐我的獎學金批准了﹗﹗然後﹐在上網查成績﹐第一個作業也竟然可以拿A﹐我真的是興奮的想叫﹗哈哈﹗服侍神真的是超級棒的﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗

然後那晚洗完澡之後﹐聖靈突然提醒我﹐“你為什麼不為你是基督徒而獻上感恩?” 這句話真的是把我敲醒了。祂把我帶回營會的光景﹐看到很多人是被罪捆綁的﹐而我卻能在營會“破除咒詛”的時刻里除了認自己的罪﹐我就在那裡感恩因為我有一個健康的家庭﹐愛我的父母。我在營會里也可以和從江子翠行道會來的牧師和同工一起服事~~~~~我真的覺得我太太太幸福了。=)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An Encounter

Don't expect too much when you read the title! haha! But I find it amazing that a lady walked up to me to introduce a book that she has read long ago. This afternoon after my practicum, I went and stroll in Manna Bookstore, and while flipping through books, a lady came over and asked me if I have read this book called - Appointment in Jerusalem. And I said I haven't. She said she's given that book when she first became Christian, and til now, it's still her favourite book.

I haven't buy it yet, coz I have a lot of books to read at the moment, but if anyone is in short of books to read, try and get this from the Christian Bookstore =)