Thursday, February 26, 2009

The little man I love

Went and pick my little man from school at lunch the other day.....and gosh! He can talk so much now!

When I first started work with him, he only used one word, and we have to work so hard to get 2 words out of his mouth with huge reinforcements. Nowadays, he can talk about his surroundings and his observations, and also, asking a lot of questions! I just thank God of how much He healed him. He also joined in a lot of story times and plays.

Nowadays, he can even go to school trips with Dexter (the golden poodle) in the family.....And gained a bit of responsibility like feeding the dog. And Dexter is a great dog too! He's the only dog that I can get aquaintant too..haha! No, it's just that he's a people dog..he likes it so much to be surrounded with people and play with the children so much.

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