Sunday, July 19, 2009


Book reviewed written in Sept 22, 2007

謝謝Jennifer的介紹這是一本很棒的書﹐棒到我希望可以買給所有我認識的姐妹們說到了神如何在造女人的時候把祂的形像放在我們裡面而撒旦又為什麼一直的要攻擊女人也說到了我們可以怎樣的回到神的裡面從新的找到祂當初創造我們的時候所給我們的一個公主的身份。And because beauty is the essence of God, that's why we long for beauty too.

Some excerpts from the book:

I don't think I'm alone in this. Have you ever wondered why the Cinderella story keeps haunting us? Not only is it a perennial favourite of little girls; women love it too. Think of all the movies made along its themes, moves like Pretty Women and Ever After and A Cinderella Story and Maid in Manhattan. Why is this notion of a hidden princess (and a prince who comes ot find her) so enduring? Is there something in our hearts that is trying to speak to us? Is it just fantasy, excapism? Or is there something more?

The desire of a woman's heart and the realities of a woman's life seem an ocean aprt. Oh, we long for romance and an irreplaceable role in a great story; we long for beauty. But that's not the life we have. The result is a sense of shame. Having listened to the hearts of women for many, many years, both in the context of friendship and in the counseling office, we are struck by how deeply and universally wmen struggle with their self-worth. "I feel like a house hold appliance," one woman confessed to us. Now, this is not to say that men don't also wrestle with their sense of worth. But there is something deeper to this struggle for women, and far more universal. And there are reasons for it, reasons unique to Eve and her daughters.



The story of Eve holds such rich treasures for us to discover. The essence and purpose of a woman is unveiled here in the story of her creation. These profound, eternal, mythic themes are written not just here in the coming of Eve, but in the soul of every woman after. Woman is the crown of creation - the most intricate, dazzling creature on earth. She has a crucial role to play, a destiny of her own.And she, too, bears the image of God, but in a way that only the feminine can speak. What can we learn from her? God wanted to reveal something about himself, so he gave us Eve. When you are with a woman, ask yourself, what is she telling me about God? It will open up wonders for you.

First, you'll discover that God is relational to his core, that he has a heart for romance. Second, that he longs to share adventures with us - adventures you cannot accomplish without him. And finally, that God has a beauty to unveil. A beauty that is captivating and powerfully redemptive.


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