Monday, December 28, 2009

Coromandel Trip

About 12 of us went to Coromandel Area on Christmas Day

Then, 5 stayed at a ferry point to fish, while the rest of us went to Cathedral Cove!

It was a pleasant 35 minutes walk down to the beach, but when we came up to the top, it was HOT HOT HOT, although it's only 9 something in the morning! The sun is just scorching hot! Despite that, it does worths it. Ooohhh, and that's where the Narnia - Prince Kaspian was shot (the beginning part of the film),

update: Birthday 2009

I finally finished my course........well 2 weeks ago..
but I'm so lazy to log on here and write the blog.
So yeah, first update would be about my birthday this year.

I celebrated one day later with Tanya in Tauranga, who is borned same day but 11 years younger than me. Thanks to Max who brought us there.....and we had fish and chips by the beach ^^

I got bday presents from Marlene ^^ a handmade card!!

A present from my brother, Max - big bear~~~

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Daddy's baptism

Finally, after so many years!
Daddy's baptised here in Hamilton Mandarin Church.
He's awesome~~~
Have seen a lot of changes in him since I was small~~

Below are some pictures for you all to see ^^

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


詞:罗建明 曲:方嘉雄



等痛過了 熬過了

我經歷了 學會了

會心傷的 更不說


曾給過了 抛棄了
路雖難走 我卻不會孤獨

等經歷了 就懂了
上帝没有应许天色常蓝 人生的旅途花香常漫

Thursday, October 15, 2009



Monday, October 12, 2009





Wednesday, October 7, 2009


可是還是到9-10點才醒 = ="
醒來之後還不是一般的累 T_T
This week have to hand in one assignment, which I have started drafting
and next week 3 assignments....which I haven't start a thing! Well, there's one that's a collaborative assignment, so it's good that there are a few more brains thinking toghether rather than me alone.
But something exciting is:
only got 2 weeks of study left!!!!! hehe
and then 7 weeks of practicum!
Can't wait to see what centre I'm going into
and the cute bunch of droolies....

Thursday, October 1, 2009


會想要開始背經也是因爲滕叔叔從去年開始就在Youth Group裏面讓那些年輕人開始背,



晝夜思想 這人便為有福
他要像一棵樹栽在溪水旁 按時侯結果子葉子也不枯乾



Saturday, September 19, 2009

What do you do when you get stressed?

I find out when I get stress with my assignments, I want to run away from it instead of sitting still in front of the book @_@
and then, lots of authentic cuisine will pop up in my mind....
  • Char Kuey Tiaw
  • Char Bee Hoon
  • Thai Rice Noodle Soup
  • Ice Kacang
  • Taiwanese Beef Noodles
  • Penggang Fish
  • I think I miss a lot Malaysian food~~~~~~

Friday, September 18, 2009



就no more readings啦~~~~

更被Bethlehem這個小鎮所吸引 --那天開車路過那裏的時候




Tuesday, September 8, 2009




結果,我在仔細一看:禱告會練習時間是14/9 @_@

張銘昨晚也幫忙音控了 哈哈



Wednesday, September 2, 2009





A day out - Te Waihou walkway & Mount Maunganui

第一站,我們到了Te Waihou, 看了這條很美的小溪。水真的是很藍很清澈!連水草都長得很漂亮!聽説,Putaruru的飲用水都從這條小溪供給的!我本來想走到河邊去喝的,可是旁邊的地都已經被泡開了,所以不敢在往下走了,除非真的是夏天的時候去,直接跳進河裏,哈哈!            看下面這張,沒騙你們吧!
因爲只用了幾十分鈡走了Te Waihou, 我們又臨時決定跑去Tauranga爬山- Mount Maunganui. 差點又要倒閉森林,幸好這次比上次去Raglan的時候好多了。我們真的是用爬的,手腳並用的爬上去,因爲覺得走樓梯太痛苦了,因爲階梯太高了。遇到了一個老人家,看到我爬的氣喘喘的,我跟他抱怨說這兩個傢伙真的是在挑戰我的極限。


Saturday, August 29, 2009





Thursday, August 20, 2009

2009的第二個受洗 Second










Sunday, August 16, 2009


Finally, I've finished an assignment on transition and mana tangata (contribution)...and next week, I have another assignment due T_T I wish this year will fly by soon.....

Meanwhile, I'll just take a break and watch some movies...hehe!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Are you giving up on Me?"

Have been contemplating about writing this for a few days. So yeah, decided to write it out to be an encouragement for people who are starting to lose faith.

I have been praying for a matter for over a year, and I personally believe that He has given me a lot of evidences from the bible verses, sermons and through dreams by saying that He's going to make this matter possible. And yet, in reality, nothing has happened. I was a bit discouraged by that. I thought to myself, probably I have misunderstood God; probably, God meant something else; probably, it's just my feeling that this is going to happen bla bla bla

A few nights ago, I laid down on bed, praying as usual before bedtime, telling and asking God if I can give up, and I stated all the reasons thinking I have all the right reasons to give up. When I was praying (not praying in silent, I have voice coming out from my mouth), then a voice asked me in Mandarin (I was praying in Mandarin, by the way), "妳是在放棄我嗎(Are you giving up on ME)?" And I was like stunned, and shocked. I couldn't continue praying anymore because this question really strikes me!

That voice sounded that the Holy Spirit is hurt, upset, and discouraged. I thought my giving up is only on that matter, and that was my only intention: to not think about that matter, but then only the Holy Spirit searches for hearts, and He knows what I think. He knows that I don't mean surrender, I meant give up, as in totally I want to ignore that matter, and just let it be.

But when He asked that question, I realised that I cannot give up just like that, because there is a spiritual war that is being fought for in the spiritual realm whenever every Chritians prayed(Reference: Daniel 10:12-14). And I believed that when God asked me that question, He wanted me to know that He is in the progress of answering my prayer, but then when I told Him that I wanted to give up, He wouldn't be able to do anymore. That was why He sounded upset and hurt. After that, I made up to Him and told Him that I will continue to pray abt that matter until it is achieved. Even though sometimes I still have doubt, I prayed that He will take away all my doubts and that I can persist until that matter is achieved.

For my dear brothers and sisters out there, probably you are like me, prayed and thought that matter was unheard by God. But I just have to say, keep pressing in, persist, and proclaim that God's promises never fail!

After this incidence, I came up with a quote(remember to cite me ok ok? =P):

If you give up, you are actually giving up on God

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm spoilt to the core ^^

Two weeks ago, Uncle John has been wanting to cooke me Hainanese Chicken Rice. Everytime he sees me, he would say, "Xia, I cook chicken rice for you ya", lol
but then due to some reason, we can't go over last Monday. And then on Saturday, tidak jadi lagi (oops, excuse me, it means "it didn't happen again")
Then, last Sunday evening, we finally had our chicken rice! And Saratok ikan masin (Saratok salted fish), which according to Uncle, Saratok has the best salted fish.And also home-brewed beer by Uncle John. I only had 2 small glasses, not enough!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahaha

will post the photos up later

I miss M'sia food.............................and friends......T_T

We are the Shepherds ^^

During my meditation time with God, He gave me these verses which convicted and reminded me of my ministry.

"Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears." (Acts 20:28-31)

These verses reminded me the importance of my ministry that I am a shepherd that is appointed by God to watch out for myself and the youths, especially in their spiritual life. And just like Nehemiah and his people, when they were building the walls of Jerusalem, they had their weapons with them even when they went to get water (Nehemiah 4: 15-21). Nehemiah and his people's watchfulness have reminded me to be alert ALWAYS.
這些經文提醒了我,原來是神力我作這一群孩子的監督,不管是他們的行爲,甚至他們的靈命,我們也要在那一天,在神的面前交帳. 這幾節的經文也讓我想到舊約的尼希米和所有的猶太人在建造耶路撒冷城牆的時候,他們連去打水都帶著兵器(尼希米記:4:15-21)。他和他百姓的謹慎的態度提醒了我,不論什麽時候都要警醒。

I hope these verses have given some lights to everyone that is in the ministry like me, no matter where you are. For those who are in Youth/Teenage Ministry, I am thankful to have peers that can share the experiences with me through your blogs, especially to those that are in all know who you are! =) Let us just keep praying for each other, and till the time we meet, may the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Raglan Trip




開了45分鐘的車(windy road, and I felt dizzy all the way)

終于抵達了Bridal Falls




Sunday, July 19, 2009


Book reviewed written in Sept 22, 2007

謝謝Jennifer的介紹這是一本很棒的書﹐棒到我希望可以買給所有我認識的姐妹們說到了神如何在造女人的時候把祂的形像放在我們裡面而撒旦又為什麼一直的要攻擊女人也說到了我們可以怎樣的回到神的裡面從新的找到祂當初創造我們的時候所給我們的一個公主的身份。And because beauty is the essence of God, that's why we long for beauty too.

Some excerpts from the book:

I don't think I'm alone in this. Have you ever wondered why the Cinderella story keeps haunting us? Not only is it a perennial favourite of little girls; women love it too. Think of all the movies made along its themes, moves like Pretty Women and Ever After and A Cinderella Story and Maid in Manhattan. Why is this notion of a hidden princess (and a prince who comes ot find her) so enduring? Is there something in our hearts that is trying to speak to us? Is it just fantasy, excapism? Or is there something more?

The desire of a woman's heart and the realities of a woman's life seem an ocean aprt. Oh, we long for romance and an irreplaceable role in a great story; we long for beauty. But that's not the life we have. The result is a sense of shame. Having listened to the hearts of women for many, many years, both in the context of friendship and in the counseling office, we are struck by how deeply and universally wmen struggle with their self-worth. "I feel like a house hold appliance," one woman confessed to us. Now, this is not to say that men don't also wrestle with their sense of worth. But there is something deeper to this struggle for women, and far more universal. And there are reasons for it, reasons unique to Eve and her daughters.



The story of Eve holds such rich treasures for us to discover. The essence and purpose of a woman is unveiled here in the story of her creation. These profound, eternal, mythic themes are written not just here in the coming of Eve, but in the soul of every woman after. Woman is the crown of creation - the most intricate, dazzling creature on earth. She has a crucial role to play, a destiny of her own.And she, too, bears the image of God, but in a way that only the feminine can speak. What can we learn from her? God wanted to reveal something about himself, so he gave us Eve. When you are with a woman, ask yourself, what is she telling me about God? It will open up wonders for you.

First, you'll discover that God is relational to his core, that he has a heart for romance. Second, that he longs to share adventures with us - adventures you cannot accomplish without him. And finally, that God has a beauty to unveil. A beauty that is captivating and powerfully redemptive.


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Who is your God?

Who is your God?
Who is your God?

Seriously I'm asking this question...

You've been a Christian for such a long time

but the throne of life doesn't belong to Him

but to yourself

You handle things your ways

instead of His ways

You don't think He's big enough to cover all your worries

You think if you can't handle it, He can't handle it too

That's why God has never done anything big in your life

coz you limited Him!!

"August Rush"

My lil sis, Ruth rented this dvd the other day! And I just love it to the core! Haha, men that play guitar just attracts me =P

I love some of the quotes from this movie:

Sometimes the world tries ot knock it out of you. But I believe in music the way that some people believe in fairy tales. I like to imagine that what I hear came from my mother and father. Maybe the notes I hear, are the same ones they heard, the night they met. Maybe that's how they found each other. Maybe that's how they'll find me. I believe that once upon a time, long ago, they heard the music and followed it.

Listen. Can you hear it? The music. I can hear it everywhere. In the wind... in the air... in the light. It's all around us. All you have to do is open yourself up. All you have to do... is listen.

You never quit on your music. No matter what happens. Cuz anytime something bad happens to you, that's the one place you can escape to and just let it go. I learned it the hard way. And anyway, look at me. Nothing bad's gonna happen. You gotta have a little faith.

What do you want to be in the world? I mean the whole world. What do you want to be? Close your eyes and think about that.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Somewhere along the way

Somewhere along the way...
I dropped my faith
And then I went back
and picked it up again

I will keep it safe
where there is no person
no matters, or objects
that can take my faith away again

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Appointment in Jerusalem

I finished this book during my two days of lying in bed. When I started reading it, I just couldn't resist it. This is a good book for new Christians as Lydia explained how she met God when she earnestly seek Him. God also showed her the purpose of her life and lead her to Jerusalem with where she started children's home. She left her prominent Job in Denmark, and arrived Jerusalem penniless, but God is faithful and provide her all the while she's there.
During my read, I felt the excitement, the fear, the nervousness that she have experienced, and yes, get this book if you want to know more about God. I'm sure I would read it again and again!
Also, from this book, I only realised that actually we Christians owed big time to Jerusalem. I'll quote the page from this book on what she has said when she experienced the siege between the Muslims and the Jews, and when she meditated on the Bible, the verses of Isaiah 62:6-7.
...Searching out God's purpose for Jerusalem led me on naturally to His purpose for Israel.The two, I discovered, were intertwined and could not be separated. The very prophecies that promised mercy and restoration to Jerusalem promised the same also to Israel. The first could not be fulfilled apart from the second.
And how many promises of restoration for Israel I found! From first to last, the prophetic writings were full of them. How far, I wondered, had these promises already been fulfilled? In the decade since the war of 1914-1918, a steady trickle of Jews had been coming back to their land. But - if I rightly understood what I was reading - this was but a prelude to something far greater. God had actually committed Himself, through His prophets, to regather them as an independent nation in their own land. To this end, He had declared, He would bend all the forces of history....."What a strangely warped view we Christians have had all these years," I finally said to myself. "We have acted as though we were sufficient in ourselves, owing nothing to Israel or Jerusalem and needing nothing from them. And yet the truth is that God's plan of peace and blessing for all nations can never come to completion until both Israel and Jerusalem are restored - and He expects us to be His cowokers in bringing this to pass."
This part of the book has opened my eyes up, that we as Christians should pray hard for the peace and the people in the Palestine area, if it's not for this nation (the Jews), we wouldn't have got save and become Christians. If this part of the world has no peace, then there would be no peace at the other part of the world. This place seems small, and not an eye-catching place, yet it has its unseen forces that can destroy the whole world.
This is only my own understanding for this part that she wrote, and I hope all who has read this article, you would go borrow or buy this book. It really worths a read!


Finished my practicum last Tuesday, and I love the place and the children. The teachers were great too! They've accepted me as part of their own, except the regulations where they can't do much about it.

Adding bonus to it, there are a few teachers that I came to know are Christians! One even went to Peru to do mission work with the children. I think God must have used her to talk to me while in that practicum that one day I will go to the mission field and do the work of children. She experienced a lot of God's provision during that period, and listening to her story was just amazing!

And and, at the last day of my prac, they provided nice morning tea for me ^^, a certificate, and a storybook (for future teaching use).

A dream

2 nites ago, I dreamt that I was back in high school years, and I didn't do my homework! I felt so strange, why on earth would I have forgotten all about my homework, and I could only apologise to my teacher that it must have slipped my mind.

Then, the scenery changed again. I dreamt that I had a black teacher teaching me, and she asked the whole class to open up the bible to 2 Timothy 2:22, and then I woke up! The next day, I got the bible and turn to the page thinking God must have wanted to tell me something that is important. And truly it is....It says:

Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

I actually didn't know why is it this verse that God gave me, because I was asking Him about other stuff. Probably He knows all my inner thoughts that have been there for a long time, and wants me to deal with them...

Friday, June 19, 2009


Hiya ppl!
Have been enjoying my practicum for 2 weeks now..
and everything went well!
I love it! I love it! I love it!
The children are just amazing!

I'm with the under 2s children, and they are just so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everytime when I have my hands open wide, and said 'cuddles', they would give me a great hugs n cuddles! That's the motivation to work as an educator! haha!
I'm just wondering, probably I would be a united nations' mama - adopting children from all over the world one day! haha!

Anyways, practicum went well, and my lecturer came n visited me today
and ticked almost every boxes with VS (Very Satisfactory) ^^
So, yeah! That's mostly abt me for these two weeks....

Sunday, June 14, 2009





Thursday, June 4, 2009

pls do give a hand...

In Waikato times yesterday, I saw that one of the boys that I worked with before is getting a dog from Ohio, USA. These dogs are specially trained to help ASD and other special needs children.

I hope anyone who's reading this article can be generous and help out these families, as the bible says 'give and you shall receive'. ( Article about these families who would like to get the dogs from US) (4 Paws for Ability Organisation in US) (The story of the 4 families in New Zealand that are fundraising for these dogs)

God bless you all!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

just an update

I finished 2 books out of the three =)
The third one hasn't arrive yet..I thought it would have arrived last Monday
but news from the shop.

Yesterday, got another 7 books out of the uni library, preparing for the assignment on challenges of inclusive education...I finished this book in a few hours, it's called "Retarded isn't stupid, Mom!" Laugh and cried with the author when I was reading it...if anyone is interested in this area, it's a good book!

juz thought of sharing...
For the past week or so, we are meditating on the book of Ruth.
When I read it, I admire Ruth's faith towards God and submissive towards her mother-in-law. She is an amazing lady, she went and lie under the feet of Boaz after listening to her mother-in-law. But I think God was in this, or else, nothing would have startled Boaz to wake up and find a lady under her feet. He would have slept through the night, and Ruth's name would be ruined, and probably be killed at that time to be found with a man.
And the story of Ruth went to lie at Boaz's feet is similar to Adam's and Eve's story too...where God lead the woman to the man, and then God starts to dwell in both of the man that He intended them to be together. I am thinking, God probably does like matchmaking a lot =P

After reading this, I'm sure God will bring me to my "Jacob" just like what He did to Ruth and Eve...or probably 'he' will come to me.. lol

Tomorrow and the whole next week, I will be reading the remaining 6 books T_T
It was supposed to be a holiday (Queen's birthday).....sigh

Friday, May 22, 2009

Got 3 books on my shelf...

these few days apart from my assignments to use the internet
I will snuggle up in my bed
with a good book and a cup of hot coffee
with this cold weather....

will blog after a while....
have fun with your life
and enjoy everything....^^


Thursday, May 21, 2009

God is so good!

Tonite, after prayer meeting. Got a text from Mindy asking if I can play for her at next Wednesday's prayer meeting coz she will be outstationed.
I was a bit reluctant, coz have an assignment to hand in on Sunday, and it's about designing an advertisement on how to promote a childcare centre, esp. with the topics of quality environments....anyways, I said 'yes' because I'm missing the serving life even though I only haven't been playing for 2 weeks, and I miss playing the piano. Then, I texted her back and tell her she has to pray for me to have thoughts coming in for the advert. assignment.

After that, I went and check my email, and got a mail from the lecturer saying that it's postponed to next Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!! Coz she has totally forgotten about that assignment, and she has been away. I'm like.........whoa!!!!!!! Praise God!!!!!!!!!!!

Like what I've written last year in March after an incident in prayer meeting (in my diary), when we are with God, we're like in a big theme park of God, we get adrenalin pumps and excitement and everything; we don't know what next step will be, and where we will be, but then, we will landed safe in the hands of God. He's just amazing~~~

I'm just fascinated by Him!
and thoroughly in love with Him!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Need to be alert

It's funny how sometimes
when we handed in everything to God
we'll be tempted straightaway!

And how the spiritual warfare is so real and is happening
just around you and your friends every minute and every second.

Be alert people!
no matter what the world says,
it is what God said that is powerful.
When everything seems to be going down the wrong path,
remember these verse:
For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Even we are faithless
God is faithful

Monday, May 18, 2009

The road of faith (2)

I realised,
the road of faith is really difficult to walk
if my eyes are not on Him
but on this earthly things
I will fall.
And it doesn't mean that after listening to a sermon
I will suddenly become a person with a lot of faith.

He is a good God
during my meditation time this morning
He gave me the verses in Psalms 81:1-4

Sing for joy to God our strength;
Shout aloud to the God of Jacob!
Begin the music, strike the tambourine, play the melodious harp and lyre.
Sound the horn at the New Moon, and when the moon is full, on the day of our Feast;
this is a decree for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob. (Psalms 81:1-4)

I find this hard
but God said that's a decree and an ordinance
even during the hard times.
Then He reminded me of King Jehosaphat (2 Chronicles 20)
who seek the will of God
and set up the worship team back then
to sing and praise God
during the fighting of God's army and the army of Moabites, Ammonites and some Meunites.
When they sing and praise, the God set ambushes against the enemy.

Teach me Father, to praise You
and to trust You
All the time!
Because of who You are.
In Jesus' name,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

12/4/09 Baptism

Before baptising: David, Benjamin, Jean, Holly

After baptising. Me and the Yee's siblings (Jean and Benjamin)

Holly & me

4 of my youth group members have baptised on this special day!! =)
May God continue to lead them in lives and they will love and know God more!

可以放手, 但不能放棄

被放棄, 是一件很殘忍的事情.

去年, 有些年輕人的作為

但是, 在禱告中
我馬上跟神說對不起. 因為我得救, 不是靠著自己的行為,而是神的恩典為我完成了救恩.

在神國里, 如果有放棄這兩個字
祂對我們的愛, 正是祂要我們學習的榜樣,不是嗎?

一起學習放手, 但是不能放棄的功課吧!


Thursday, April 23, 2009


For these past few days I was so excited

because God has said that He will do it for me and the obstacles will all be removed to prepare the way for his people!!!

And He also said that He will prepare watchmen for me

and pray day and night without rest, and let Him has no rest as well......=) When I see these verses in Isaiah, I really laughed out and said to God "I'm so going to pray until You got frustrated of me!!"

So yeah, for all those of you

who are praying and seeking His will, pray earnestly and keep knocking at His door

He will answer your prayers

But whatever the outcome is,

He is sovereign and He loves and treasures you

in His heart!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

信心之路 The road of faith

Jiang Peng's sermon was awesome today!
He said he was nervous, but for a person that is preaching for the first time, I think he did well!

我沒辦法確實的說:這是上帝跟我說的, 就是會這樣成就.

因為我發現, 別人對我說不可能的時候


他也曾經自己在聽到上帝的聲音以後, 用人為的方法去解決事情
結果搞了一堆麻煩事情,讓上帝幫他"檫屁股"(e.g.在埃及,欺騙法老說撒拉是他的妹妹; 跟夏甲同房懷的孩子以為就是上帝所允許要給他的兒子,結果不是以實馬力,而是在他100歲時才生的以撒才是神應許他的後裔).
- 不能自己去解決上帝已經應許的事情.如果祂說"相信祂", 就相信祂

很多時候, 我們尋求太多人的意見, 而非上帝的意見, 導致上帝放在我們心里的聲音有點模糊掉了.我覺得,這是我要學的功課: 當我在給別人意見的時候,一定要好好為那個人的事情禱告,要不然就不要照著自己的想法給意見. 當我尋求意見的時候, 學習分辨哪些是從主來的話語.Last but not the least,好好禱告,跟神建立好的關係 - 祂一定樂意把事情的奧妙顯示給我們知道.
如經上所記: 上帝為愛祂的人所預備的是眼睛未曾看見,耳朵未曾聽見,人心也未曾想到的.只有上帝藉著聖靈向我們顯明了,因為聖靈參透萬事,就是上帝深奧的事也參透了. 除了在人里頭的靈,誰知道人的事?像這樣,除了上帝的靈, 也沒有人知道上帝的事(林前2:9-11).

這個.........超級難!!!!亞伯拉罕一聽到上帝說,"把以撒獻給我為燔祭"的時候, 他一定覺得這個上帝是個出爾反爾的上帝.不是要應許成為多國之父,還後裔如天上的星星,地上的沙那麼多嗎?但是亞伯拉罕還是聽從了上帝的話...
我覺得這部分對我來說超級超級超級困難...我連把我所愛的帶去給上帝都已經很困難了..還要我親手拿刀一刀刺下去...T_T....但是但是, 真的只有獻上的時候才會真正經歷神的信實和預備超過我們所求所想.

這篇文章不是姜鵬哥完全的信息...更多是自己的感想 =)
我已經知道上帝給我的回應是甚麼了 =D

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Be a god-fearing person

Listened to Rhema Broadcast the other day
while driving to sumwhere, and I heard this phrase, I think it's by Tak Bhana from one of the churches in Auckland:

Don't magnify your problem
Magnify your God

It is true that when we faced problems in our lives, it won't be too big that God can't handle
We can only focus on God to help us.
A bible verse reminds me that God is always at the side of people who honour him and fear him, and remove the obstacles that is blocking his people.

Father God,
teach me to be a person that fear you
and surrender myself whole-heartedly unto you
and you will help me
to achieve the things that I can't achieve
In Jesus' name

Time flies....

and 2 weeks' holiday is gone like that!
I really did enjoy my holiday to the full...
by doing nothing....=D

I'm kidding...
I did plant some veges again
and the class of baptism for the preteens went well =)
It was all God's work coz I don't think I did really make them understand every bit of it
but these kids are children of faith! Although they don't understand all those biblical terms but they understand that God loves them!
Oh, and I didn't know that I can translate that well.....coz in high school exams, there's a section in the paper that I can choose whether or not to translate it, and I would never touch that part because it is so difficult =P

and class resumes next week!
Praying for God's wisdom over my homework
and my time mangement has to be better than the 1st half of the sem!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


昨天,趁著Easter假期的long weekend,她沒有要趕回去Auckland之前的時間全部是我的 =P

她多年來的心願: 她父母可以接受主成為救主終於在她結婚那一天實現了!

這些, 都看在特別從湖南趕來參加女兒結婚的父母的眼里
在晚上的婚宴里, 她的牧師跟她的爸爸說
如果他(牧師)把那瓶酒喝了, 他就要接受耶穌做救主


然後啊, 我覺得她好幸福啊!


Miss you!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

21/3 婚禮



不知道為甚麼, 在婚禮上有一種好感動,好神聖的感覺





並且把祝福不斷不斷的給出去 =)


Anyways, 8 more months to go, and I'm done with it!

希望上帝給我智慧, 來教導屬於祂的奧秘...
發現在準備的過程中,我也受教了! =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009




回來後, 整個房子竟然是黑的..

第二次, 也就是今天
我開了燈, 也確認我自己沒有把燈關掉
可是, 它不是fused掉..
而且, the strangest thing is that: the switch is never on...

Did someone actually come in n off it?
But the doors n windows are all closed...

Sunday, March 22, 2009


不過, 這一天多的鬱悶也在看了一個大寶貝寫的文章之後




哈哈..我帶的preteens group

haha! The preteens group that I'm leading now
4 of them wanted to be baptised this coming Easter!
Praying that these 4 will be the outstanding ones among their peers
and be an inspiration to other people.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire

Went and watch this movie with Jade and Rahul. This is a good movie!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Can't wait for this season to pass

Can't wait for these 9 months to past
as I've told Guoxiao a few days before....
because it's all about readings readings n more readings ><''

During the conversation with my Spiritual Mum - Aunt Jo a few days ago
God started reminding the dreams that He had put in me years ago
and the gifts and potential that He has given me.

I told her that I don't want to get married because it's the age of getting married
I want someone that possess the same dream as I do.
If there is no one, then I'll remain single for Him.
And finally I got an adult who understand this kind of concept =P

He reinforced it even more after the conversation of Aunt Jo.
Yesterday, when we went down to Rotorua to serve
A Kiwi lady that started a mission in Thailand came and share her testimonial
saying that every dream starts small....and one has to walk through darkness before the dream will come true.

Pls guard my heart before You, Dear Lord.
And that I walk in the path You are leading
Awaken my soul so that I may hear you & see you all along the way
I'm sure this season will pass with abundance blessings of Yours
along the way
I love you, Dad!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009




Tuesday, March 10, 2009


今天到教會的時候, 所有的招待員都好忙的在發程序單..然後彥辰很快的衝過來把單張給了我
然後跟我說了一句: "耶穌可愛妳了!" 哈哈!

聽到這句話之後, 覺得超級特別


Monday, March 9, 2009

My bestest friends

Missing you guys a lot!!!!!!!
And thanks for showing the ring, Rach! =)

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The little man I love

Went and pick my little man from school at lunch the other day.....and gosh! He can talk so much now!

When I first started work with him, he only used one word, and we have to work so hard to get 2 words out of his mouth with huge reinforcements. Nowadays, he can talk about his surroundings and his observations, and also, asking a lot of questions! I just thank God of how much He healed him. He also joined in a lot of story times and plays.

Nowadays, he can even go to school trips with Dexter (the golden poodle) in the family.....And gained a bit of responsibility like feeding the dog. And Dexter is a great dog too! He's the only dog that I can get aquaintant too..haha! No, it's just that he's a people dog..he likes it so much to be surrounded with people and play with the children so much.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

New Sem starting

My first practicum has officially finished!!!!!!
And new sem would start next week, with 4 papers and a mountain high of readings and assignments! When I started writing all the due dates in my calendar....I'm like oh crap! It's like they all due in May and June~~

anyways, i'll be good! i will pray harder for more wisdom to drop from heaven on me =P Also, I have planned my timetable out for the readings of the 4 papers...

ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! self-discipline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that means:
less facebook time *fingers crossed*
less msn *fingers crossed*

But I think, overall it's gonna be fun!!!!!

Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachthani

"Eloi Eloi Lama Sabachtani"
This sentence got me when I was meditating in the morning on Mark 15.
When I repeatedly read that short passage, I started to weep.
Jesus was so close to Holy Father, and yet at that time when He was on the cross
The Father in heaven turned away from Jesus because of His salvation plan

I don't know how would a father feel
when he has to see his beloved son to be nailed onto the cross
and he didn't do anything about it......

Monday, February 23, 2009

I miss God

These few days, I haven't really had a good time with God
although I tried hard to
but I always rush my time with Him
or either totally ignore Him...sigh

Have to really make up my time for Him.....=)


還沒結束呢, 就已經開始想念那邊的孩子們了
她才在上個禮拜會跟我笑, 會要我抱
然後一切都結束了= =

叫她睡覺的時候, 她還會模仿我生氣的動作


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

I love you family and my friends~~~

Thursday, February 5, 2009


For the past weekend, I was in camp.....although I didn't experience God a lot in camp, because I was playing the piano for the whole session. 其實﹐在彈的時候﹐我希望我是在下面被神充滿的﹐但是事實不能改變﹐就一直邊彈邊禱告。看到很多弟兄姐妹被聖靈恩膏的時候﹐心裡真的是滿滿的感恩神願意用我這個器皿來服事祂。到了最後一天感恩見證分享的時候﹐滿想上去講的﹐可是實在是什麼都沒感覺到﹐除了一個“累”字﹐也沒其它了。

回到家以後﹐馬上把作業趕完交了﹐然後就睡著了~~~第二天早上開始實習﹐無意中發現帶我的也是個基督徒﹐好象那間幼稚園也是(不過﹐我沒問清楚)~~Anyways, 實習完後回家﹐看到桌子上有一封信﹐打開一看﹐我的獎學金批准了﹗﹗然後﹐在上網查成績﹐第一個作業也竟然可以拿A﹐我真的是興奮的想叫﹗哈哈﹗服侍神真的是超級棒的﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗

然後那晚洗完澡之後﹐聖靈突然提醒我﹐“你為什麼不為你是基督徒而獻上感恩?” 這句話真的是把我敲醒了。祂把我帶回營會的光景﹐看到很多人是被罪捆綁的﹐而我卻能在營會“破除咒詛”的時刻里除了認自己的罪﹐我就在那裡感恩因為我有一個健康的家庭﹐愛我的父母。我在營會里也可以和從江子翠行道會來的牧師和同工一起服事~~~~~我真的覺得我太太太幸福了。=)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

An Encounter

Don't expect too much when you read the title! haha! But I find it amazing that a lady walked up to me to introduce a book that she has read long ago. This afternoon after my practicum, I went and stroll in Manna Bookstore, and while flipping through books, a lady came over and asked me if I have read this book called - Appointment in Jerusalem. And I said I haven't. She said she's given that book when she first became Christian, and til now, it's still her favourite book.

I haven't buy it yet, coz I have a lot of books to read at the moment, but if anyone is in short of books to read, try and get this from the Christian Bookstore =)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

My favourite Uncle

Since young, he's the one that I've always adored and loved.
A man with great humour and a person who can do reflexology massage well
everytime when he came over, I'll ask him to do the massage for me.
He's my eldest uncle in Dad's family, and my favourite uncle of all.

This afternoon, I got an email from my cousin saying that he passed away yesterday back in Malaysia. It was a shock to me, coz a few weeks back, I was just telling Dad that I missed him, and I want him to come over. And it will never happen again.....

I miss him
I miss the jokes that he told
I miss the times that how he made me laughed n laughed until my tears broke down
I miss him a thousand times T_T

Monday, January 19, 2009

Remembering you....

今晚,没想到会听到你写过的歌 - 我的天堂


I'm just missing you....
and the wisdom that you had for me
I'm sure I'll see you soon up there....


I'm wide awake~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I want to sleep, but I can't.....
the fact of "your course is shrunk from 3 years to 1 year" made me a bit stressed and nervous....
coz I found myself wanting to do housework rather than reading my book.....

I have to pull myself back together......

still awake.........
I better do some reading.....


Friday, January 16, 2009

Uni starts

Although we attend classes on the 14th Jan, but the lecture didn't start until yesterday afternoon. I have met like 2 more M'sians!! yey!!!

And yesterday morning, we have this powhiri ceremony (a welcome ceremony) at our University's Marae, where in this occassion, it is the ceremony of welcoming the students into the big family of School of Education. Then, after all the speeches, we have this 'hongi' ceremony, where you will go up to each of them, and have a nose to nose touching ceremony. The Maori believed that when you touch nose with each other, two people's breath will unite or intermingle together, and that you're the people of the land and not a visitor anymore.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Uni starts tomorrow...

Time flies.........and my class will start tomorrow!!!!
A bit scary.....coz haven't been reading academic stuff and assignments for 3 years now...I probably have forgotten all the APA referencing style.....Hopefully it will all be good!

Anticipating.....Excited.......and a bit nervous....hahahahah

Friday, January 9, 2009

Spiritual Loneliness

every Christian in their walks of life
will face a time when they've to walk some of the journey alone
and no one around can seemed to understand
Even Jesus and Joseph faced that type of loneliness......

He came out and went, as was his custom, to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples followed him. When he reached the place, he said to them, "Pray that you not come into the time of trial." Then he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, kelt down, and prayed, "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet, not my will but yours be done." [Then an angel from heaven appeared to him and gave him strength. In his anguish he prayed more earnest,y, and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down on the ground.] When he got up from prayer, he came to the disciples and found them sleeping because of grief, and he said to them, "Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray that you many not come into the time of trial." - Luke 22:39-46

Once Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him even more. He said to them, "Listen to this dream that I dreamed. There we were, binding sheaves in the field. Suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright; then your sheaves gathered around it, and bowed down to my sheaf." His brothers said to him, "Are you indeed to reign over us? Are you indeed to have dominion over us?" So they hated him even more because of his dreams and his words. He had another dream, and told it to his brothers, saying , "Look, I have had another dream: the sun, the moon, and eleven stars were bowing down to me," But when he told it to his father and to his brothers, his father rebuked him, and said to him, "What kind of drea is this that you have had? Shall we indeed come, I and your mother and your brothers, and bow to the ground before you?" So his brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind. -Genesis 37:5-11

Only God has the answers to all the questions...
Keep trusting....
You never know what your journey is filled with when God is being 'mischievious'
yes, He is......
I can see Him laughing.....=)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

He is good!


Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
-Psalm 16:5-6

I love the chinese version of the first sentence, where in my translation it says , "Lord, you are my inheritance, and you are the portion in my cup."

At the last day of 2008, I've heard many testimonials saying that they are thankful because what God has blessed them with - health, financial, etc. And while listening, I'm envy of them because a lot of them have had blessings from the Lord. And then, the above bible verses came to me (in Chinese) that night, that moment. And, it kept repeating in my mind. It kinda make me think: what if God didn't heal them? what if God didn't give them what they wanted, would they still go up the stage and say 'thank you' to Him?

I'm thankful not because He has given me what I asked for, but He is my inheritance. And He is teaching me to surrender my own likes and wait for the best that He has for me.

I'm thankful because He loves me for who I am.

I'm thankful because He is Him.

May he be our own satisfaction....=)

Happy Belated New Year

I know I'm a bit late...but

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Passion and Purity - some chinese quotes



- p128﹐《情慾與貞潔》